We exist to beat dementia

Cars and Scientists Interview with Professor Bill Jagust


Hear what people affected by dementia have to say about Race Against Dementia
The stopwatch is ticking. The race is on

Sir Jackie Stewart OBE

Race Against Dementia is pleased to announce the first of the Cars and Scientists videos from Dr Michael Schöll and Dr Ross Paterson is now available to watch.

The interview is with Professor Bill Jagust who is a Professor in Public Health and Neuroscience at the University of California, Berkeley – School of Public Health.

Click here to watch their interview with Professor Bill Jagust, filmed on location in London, UK in May 2022.

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Raise money for much needed research and help us to beat dementia by joining the Race.


Dementia impacts memory, thinking and behaviour and includes several types of cognitive decline, such as Alzheimer’s disease, frontotemporal dementia, vascular dementia and Lewy body dementia.


The Race Against Dementia Fellowship Programme funds and supports the world’s most promising scientific talent. We back promising research projects that will accelerate progress towards a cure and treatment.


In this Memories series, our founder Sir Jackie Stewart OBE discusses memories of a remarkable life in motorsport, business and beyond.


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