We exist to beat dementia
Funding and guidance for the most promising early career scientists

Join the race against dementia, please donate now

Your donation will help us fund and support the brightest research minds to find preventative treatments and cures for dementia – faster.

Visit our F1 Friends of Race Against Dementia Fund page with CAF America

Are you a U.S. citizen?

Your donations can be made via the  Friends of Race Against Dementia website. Every donation to Friends of Race Against Dementia propels us forward, helping to fund critical dementia research.

Your donation will be directed to our partner, Dementia Australia. Your donation will contribute towards our joint Race Against Dementia Race Against Dementia

Are you an Australian citizen?

Your donation will be directed to our partner, Dementia Australia. Your donation will contribute towards our joint Race Against Dementia – Dementia Australia Fellowship Programme, and you will receive a tax-deductible gift receipt from Dementia Australia.


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